Monday, October 05, 2009

A Post for the Boys

Both Caleb and Ian were on the Cubs team this year. Matt was one of the assistant coaches again this year, and I think they all enjoyed it. We moved Ian from T-ball to the pitching machine. He has the ability (takes after Matt there), but not the concentration yet. So it was a rough season for him, but I think he is for the better since he participated. It was a learning experience and we are happy that he had it. We plan on him taking off a season, so he has time to rest and mature a bit. He did get a game ball for some completely awesome hits! Caleb had a great season, and it only improved after he got his cast off. He moved up in the batting order as the season went on and even got 2 game balls. I so enjoy having my boys play sports and I look forward the the many years that we have playing! :) I even got to be a co-team mom this year. I was a lot of hard work, but so much fun!

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