Wednesday, September 26, 2012


There is so much to post about, but at the moment I am searching for answers.  My heart and my head are at war, and I cannot figure the outcome.  It is the same war I have battled since starting to home school.  Am I doing the right thing?  Are they learning what they need to know?  Riley wants to go back to we let her or stick it out?  Do I put them back in or stay the course?

These are the questions I am struggling with.  I had a clear answer to homeschool at the end of last year, but now, I am confused and struggling.  Praying for answers...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Yep...this blog is neglected.  I really thought that I might have the time to catch up and keep rolling with posts, but it seems I was mistaken.  Homeschooling keeps me busy among all the other things in life.  BUT, over the next few days I am going to give this place for memories and thoughts an overhaul.  We have had so many adventures, that I want to post them to remember them..kind of like a digital scrapbook, so that when I get the time to actually do my scrapbook, I can remember it all!  :)

So for the family and friends who may read this or check to see if there is an update, we are alive, breathing and in the midst of happens...welcome to ours!