2 wonderful things happened today. the most important is the fact that
we have a new nephew!! Jacob Scott Stewart was born early this morning! I am awaiting a picture to post on here with his stats, but keep looking. I'm going to bug my MIL to get me a picture, since mom needs her time with Jake (yes I will be calling him that!!) :) I am way excited and cannot wait to meet him!
The next important thing is that I was re-hired for the 2008-2009 school year. I had already been told I would be coming back quite a while ago, but when you don't have tenure, you get a little nervous regardless what your principal tells you. There were 4 teachers let go this year and several that are being transferred to other schools. There was one gentleman let go, that we were all surprised on. He is having a hard time dealing with it and I would ask your prayers for him. His name is Franklin. I am not quiet sure what I will be teaching. We are restructuring the CDC department and that means up-heaving everything!! But I think it will be a great move in the right direction. I will either have 10th grade (which I teach now) or I will have the Gateway CDC class. Basically I would have all SPED CDC students that are able to take the state wide assessments, and spend the majority of my time teaching then the test material. If you want a regular ed diploma, you have to pass a Biology, Algebra and Writing Gateway exam. There has only been one CDC student to pass any of those exams in the last 6 years. Since they count against us, the admin is wanting to try and get them ready to pass the test. It is really daunting to know that I have to lay the base for teaching then algebra. Most come to me not being able to multiply!! But I am always up for a challenge. It would mean trying to teach Writing, Algebra (and the previous content needed), Biology and Life Skills. But I know if that is what my task is that God will help me formulate a plan that will fit each of my students. So for another year I will continue to be a Lebanon Blue Devil.
Oh one more really exciting thing! There is gong to be a daycare/preschool at Lebanon next year! So Ian and Riley will be at school with me while Caleb will start Kindergarten at Elsie Patton in Mt. Juliet. Matt and I both decided that the kids would not be attending their home school of Lakeview. We got really bad feelings just from certain things that we observed and made the decision to look at the elementary schools in MJ. Since they will be at the HS in Mt. Juliet, it made sense to us to get them in a school there. One of the perks of working in the same county!