Saturday, May 30, 2009

Playing Catch up

It has been so long since i blogged that I don't even know where to start! This time of year is insane, as school is almost out. I have gobbs of end-of-the-year paperwork and finishing up any IEP's (aka- Individual Education Plan for non- special ed people! :) ) for the next school year and the incoming Freshman IEP's, so I am pretty busy at the moment. But this is our last week!!!! I am PUMPED!
I applied for a transfer to Mt Juliet area schools since that is closer to us. I have an interview at an elementary school for a possible resource job. They are not positive that they will get it, but she wanted to go ahead and start interviewing. It is not where the kids will be going, but is only about 5-10 min away, so it is doable. I have lots of pictures to show, but am going to start with another post for those. Thanks for hanging with me as I get back into the blogging thing! :)

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