Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Yep...this blog is neglected.  I really thought that I might have the time to catch up and keep rolling with posts, but it seems I was mistaken.  Homeschooling keeps me busy among all the other things in life.  BUT, over the next few days I am going to give this place for memories and thoughts an overhaul.  We have had so many adventures, that I want to post them to remember them..kind of like a digital scrapbook, so that when I get the time to actually do my scrapbook, I can remember it all!  :)

So for the family and friends who may read this or check to see if there is an update, we are alive, breathing and in the midst of life...it happens...welcome to ours!

1 comment:

Kann said...

Did you know you can make a digital scrapbook from your blog? I do it every year even though I still do scrapbook the other way. Just so I have it all in writing and remember things! The boys love to look through them and read them! P.s. I too have been neglecting my blog and I am trying my hardest to get back into it on a regular basis!