Monday, April 02, 2007

Palm Sunday

We had an amazing church service yesterday at Community. Growing up, I never really heard much about "the other holidays" that many other denominations/ Churches observe. We celebrated the entry into Jerusalem, leading to the death of Jesus. Up until recently I will admit, I have been ignorant of these observances. We had the children's choir preform a song and then as we were led in a really powerful worship, the choir was walking in waving palms and placing them on the floor by a cross. Now let me go ahead and state this, Matt and I are not use to a choir, but they don't preform- we all sing together and it is so wonderful to hear all the voices lifting and praising our Father. I am looking forward to the Easter service. In some ways I wish we were going to be at Community, but we will be equally blessed to spend it at Southeast Christian with our family. Try to take time this week to read through and remember what Jesus went through this week leading up to his death and resurrection.

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