Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Random News

Sorry for the lack of updates! Things have been busy around here. I have finally settled into a routine with school and am enjoying most days. The kids are having a blast in school. They really like going and have so much fun. Riley and another little boy were having a screaming contest when I went to get her last week. IT was so funny. The boys have a ton of fun as well. They are never quite ready to leave which makes me feel so much better about them being there. I know they are in good hands and growing by leaps and bounds.

School is going much better. There have been good days and bad days, but that comes from working with teenagers. I thank all of you who kept me in your prayers. The situation is not resolved, but is getting better. I have faith that it will all work out in the end. I have been working hard this week to get myself organized and prepared for the coming month. We have fall break in 4 weeks so I am looking forward to that. The kids and I will have some time together.

This week the kids are in IN with Lee and Linda. We went up for the long weekend and left them there till Thursday. I have been going into school early and getting things done, and then Matt and I are able to enjoy our time together. It has been really nice. I have gotten caught up on laundry and a few other things that needed to get done, but never seem too. The kids will come home on Thursday only to head to my parents for the weekend. Linda, Heather and I are attending a conference with Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, and Priscilla Shrier. I am really excited to sit and listen to such great women of Faith. I think it will be an awesome weekend. Then it is back to the routine with the kiddos. I have enjoyed the time with Matt, but do miss them. I know that we need the time to reconnect and just be us, and I will never grow tired of these times. But the house is too quiet and there are more minuets to my day right now. :)

I will try to get some pictures of the kids in school next week. I have been wanting to take some of my students, my room and the kiddos at preschool. So hopefully I will become better about updating you all out there. I just know this is the month that I will get in the grove of things!


Kann said...

I am glad you are starting to get into a routine! I am also glad for an update! I was beginning to think your students were holding you hostage! I know what you mean about your kids being gone. We always want them back after a day of them gone!

Michelle said...

I will be praying for you and the situation going on at your work. That is wonderful that you and Matt can have the week alone. I can imagine how strange it is to put things away and then they aren't moved! We miss you guys. I hope we will be able to see you sometime soon. Have fun at the Ladies Conference! Will the ladies be speaking live or will it be a teleconference? Either way I know that will be a wonderful experience. We love you guys!

The Blessed One said...

Hey lady, I'm glad to see an update. I was beginning to worry. :) I miss your blog updates. I was just starting to get the hang of all this stuff. I hope you had fun at the ladies confrence. I would love to take my mom to one of those. I'm glad you and Matt had some "alone" time too. I still can't imagine being away from AJ all night though. I'm still a little too protective I guess. Love you!!!!