Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thanksgiving '07

We spent Thanksgiving at my Parent's this year. It was relaxing and fun. Matt hunted quite a bit and got a spike on Friday. He saw a few more but decided that he would wait till next time to bag a few more. The day before Thanksgiving, Papa and the boys peeled and sliced the apples for my grandmas famous Apple Squares. The boys had a blast turning the peeler/slicer. They each got to do 6 apples. Then they helped separate the apples into a bowl and coat them with sugar and spices. I think they ate more apples than they actually got in the bowl, but I'll let dad be the judge of that. While the boys helped Papa, Riley was having some playtime of her own. Mom had brought a cradle and highchair from the preschool for her to play with. She had a ton of food that she got and Riley had so much fun! We could barely get her away from those toys!

This isn't a great picture of Caleb, but we had fun putting a Haunted House together. My Aunt Judy in FL had sent the kit to mom, but this was the first we had been there since Halloween. The kids had fun helping me get the icing everywhere and then putting the candies on it. I saw one the other day for Christmas, so I think I may get one of those for us to do together. Then we ate the house with ice cream for desert one day after dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I was crafty with icing and cakes....I'm just not a baker. My stuff looks like a kindergardener did it! Good job on the halloween house...cute!!!