Thursday, March 19, 2009

Any Ideas?

There is a poor lone robin, that has for the last 4 days, been trying really hard to get through our windows in the office. I have no idea why, but she will head-but the window for about 5 min at least 50 times a day. She looks at me like I am nuts if I try to shoo her away.....Anyone got good ideas on how to teach her that she can't get in?


shadowcarp said...

teach the kids how to use a BB gun


or put a rubber snake on the windowsill.

The Blessed One said...

We had a bird that did that to our sliding glass door for days!! It was wild. I know that bird had brain damage by the end. I was scared to death it would break it's neck and I was going to have to explain a dead bird to my almost 1 year old. I pulled the shades and everything trying to get him to stop. Even put a sticker on the windo to try to keep his reflection down. Nothing worked. This is why the other birds leave them alone. They sit on the telephone wires laughing at them. Eventually he got the point. Took a few days but he got it. It's a horrible sound though isn't it? Bleck.

Tommy said...

When we went to Finland, a couple we met took us to their summer home for a day. They had lots of windows and the birds thought they could fly right through so they put black paper cut outs of flying birds in their windows and that seemed to keep them away.

Michelle said...

Oops, that last comment was left by me, not Tommy. :)

Sara said...

How sad! The same thing is happening with my in-laws. My mother in law seems to think it sees itself in the reflection and going after the robin in the window!