Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year, New Me and New Goals

How did you like the title of that one! I am super excited to restart this blog. It has been way too long and I love being able to look back and see what has happened with the kids. Blogging sporadically over the last 2 years or so makes me sad as I miss those moments to look back on. I have vowed in the past to do better about blogging and failed, but this year- it is on!

Not only have I usually said I am going to blog more, but I find myself wanting to work on me. I think I am half way decent ;) but there are some areas I want to work on. I want to be more disciplined- not only in taking care of me (eating smaller portions, exercising), but also I want to grow in my spiritual walk with Christ. I have found over the last year that I feel more stagnant. By that I mean that I feel like my progress in learning and studying has slowed so much. To be the best wife and mother, I need to focus on my life with Christ. I need to model for my kids, digging into God's word to find answers and to be prepared for spreading His word!

I have many photos and events that I want to document, but I will get to those later. I know I don't have many readers out there anymore. And I am ok with that. Hopefully some of my friends will come back :)


TexasNeals said...

i'm here and looking forward to sharing in your journey this year :)

Marie said...

Glad I still have 1 reader! :) I think it will be a good journey, but it might be a tad painful from the chiseling, but well worth the discomfort!